Women's Bible Study
Join us for our Women's Bible Study! Meeting the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7:30-9:00pm, September - November. Women ages 14+.
We will be studying the book of Hosea. Each meeting we will read scripture, discuss the passage and application, and pray together.
Prior to the first meeting you will need to order the book, watch a video (coming soon!) with the introductory information and get to work on the week 1 material so you come ready to discuss it on 9/9.
Helpful hint: Budget 15 mins for the video and about 30 mins per day for 5 days before the first meeting.
Meeting dates:
Sept 9
Sept 23
Oct 14
Oct 28
Nov 11
Nov 25
We will be studying the book of Hosea. Each meeting we will read scripture, discuss the passage and application, and pray together.
Prior to the first meeting you will need to order the book, watch a video (coming soon!) with the introductory information and get to work on the week 1 material so you come ready to discuss it on 9/9.
Helpful hint: Budget 15 mins for the video and about 30 mins per day for 5 days before the first meeting.
Meeting dates:
Sept 9
Sept 23
Oct 14
Oct 28
Nov 11
Nov 25
Women's Ministry
The Women's ministry aspires to encourage women of all ages and walks of life to further growth in their walk with Jesus Christ through various means, including:
- A Bible or book study that meets every other Monday during the academic year
- Annual Spring Conference
- Summer park hop every Tuesday at 10am (June & July)
- Annual Fall Retreat
- An emphasis on mentoring
- Various special events throughout the year: picnic, showers, meals, etc.
Book Study
Our women's book studies have concluded for the Fall 23' - Spring '24. Stay tuned for more info on our next women's gatherings!
Fall Retreat
LFBC does a Women's Retreat each year in September. This year's retreat is scheduled for September 26-28th. You can register now!